The School of Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMTS) of the Ethiopian Aviation Academy graduated 50 technician trainees in the field of Power Plant and Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT). The CEO of Ethiopian Airlines, Mr. Girma Wake, handed over diplomas to the graduates at a glittering ceremony held at Ethiopian headquarters on June 30, 2009.
CEO of Ethiopian, Mr. Girma Wake, with the graduates
After two years of extensive training in AMT and nine months of Power Plant specialization, these trainees have acquired strong theoretical and practical training to qualify them in their career.
Today’s graduates will bring the total number of students completing their education in different specialties at the training center to 2470 since its inception in February 1967. Of the total, one-third have come from outside Ethiopia primarily from Africa and the Middle East.
About Ethiopian
Ethiopian Airlines, one of the largest and fastest growing airlines in Africa, made its maiden flight to Cairo in 1946. With the recent service additions to Riyadh and Malabo, Ethiopian provides dependable services to 34 cities in Africa and to a total of 55 destinations world wide.
In August 2008, Ethiopian won the 2008 Corporate Achievement Award of Aviation & Allied Business for setting the pace towards the development and growth of the African aviation industry.
Ethiopian is also the first African carrier to win the 2008 Brussels Airport Company Award in recognition of its distinguished long haul operations witnessed through the introduction of new routes, new products, and close cooperation with Brussels Airport in marketing activities.
Ethiopian was the winner of the 2008 Best Airline in Africa Award at the African Travel Award in Lagos, Nigeria, for its excellent network and convenient connections in Africa.
PR & Publications
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