Ethiopian-Airlines best Airline in Africa



Ethiopian Airlines regrets to inform its valued customers travelling to/from Asmara that it has suspended its flights to Asmara effective September 3, 2024, due to very difficult operating conditions it has encountered in Eritrea that are beyond its control. Ethiopian Airlines shall do all possible to rebook affected passengers on other airlines at no additional cost. Alternatively, passengers can receive full refund for their tickets.Read more...


Ethiopian Airlines ET106/18 January which departed Addis Ababa at 12:30 Local time had a runway excursion after landing at Mekelle Alula Aba Nega International Airport at 14:10 Local time. All passengers and crew were disembarked safely with no injuries.  

We are conducting investigation to determine the cause of the incident. We sincerely apologize to our customers for the inconvenience encountered.





ከዚህ በፊት አጭበርባሪዎች በኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ የእቃ ጭነት አገልግሎት (ካርጎ) በኩል ለተለያዩ ግለሰቦች ዕቃ እንደተላከላቸው አስመስሎ በመደወል እና ሐሰተኛ የእቃ ጭነት መለያ ቁጥር Air Waybill (AWB) በመጠቀም የተላከውን ዕቃ ለመቀበል የሚከፈል በሚል ክፍያ በመጠየቅ እንዲሁም ስራ ፈላጊዎችን በኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ ለመቀጠር ለምዝገባ እና ለተለያዩ ወጪዎች በሚል ገንዘብ በማስከፈል የማታለል ተግባር ላይ መሰማራታቸውንና ማሕበረሰቡ ይህንን አውቆ አስፈላጊውን ጥንቃቄ እንዲያደርግ ማሳሰባችን ይታወቃል፡፡Read more...

October 23, 2023

Ethiopian Airlines Group, the fastest-growing global airline brand and the continent’s largest airline, is pleased to announce that it will resume four weekly passenger services to Madrid, Spain's capital and a city of elegant boulevards and extensive, starting from December 9, 2023.