Ethiopian Airlines has signed a training and consultancy services agreement with FlightPath International Company based in Canada. The Chief Executive Officer of Ethiopian, Mr. Tewolde Gerbremariam and the President of FlightPath International Captain Andrew Lucas, signed the agreement at the Ethiopian Board Room on August 8, 2011.
The agreement is aimed at developing and implementing Multi Crew Pilot License Training program (MPL) in Ethiopian Airlines. Multi Crew Pilot License Training is a new pilot training and licensing system established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 2006 to qualify first officers for airlines.
According to the agreement, 24 Ethiopian pilots will be trained as first officers for B737NGs and another 24 for Bombardier Q-400 aircraft using the MPL program.
The training program will be launched in October 2011 with the first batch of trainees at the Ethiopian Aviation Academy. The cadets shall go through four phases of training for about fourteen months and will be released for initial operating experience at the flight operations. The program will equip trainees with competencies relevant to airline operations.
The training will prepare the cadets to fly a multi-crew, multi–engine and technologically advanced aircraft and will enable Ethiopian to get qualified first officers at a faster rate. MPL also positively contributes to reduction of fuel cost, air and noise pollution and avoid air traffic congestion and weather problems at airports by bringing most of the training from air to the ground.
Ethiopian Airlines is one of the first African carriers to implement the program designed by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 2006.
About Ethiopian
Ethiopian Airlines, one of the most successful and leading airlines in Africa, made its maiden flight to Cairo in 1946. With the addition of new flight services to Milan, Ethiopian will provide dependable services to 63 international destinations spanning four continents.
Recently, Ethiopian received the 2011 “Airline Reliability Performace Award" from Bombardier aircraft manufacturer based in Canada. Besides, Ethiopian won the 2010 “Silver Boeing Performance Excellence Award” for its outstanding performance at the Wire Kit Harness Manufacturing Plant. In 2009, Ethiopian scooped the “NEPAD Transport Infrastructure Excellence Award” and “Airline of the Year" award from the African Airlines Association (AFRAA). Ethiopian is also the first African carrier to win the 2008 Brussels Airport Company Award in recognition of its distinguished long haul operations witnessed through the introduction of new routes, new products, and close cooperation with Brussels Airport in marketing activities.