Ethiopian Airlines Group is committed to protect the environment by addressing adverse environmental impacts through pollution prevention, waste minimization, resource conservation, and other applicable industry related environmental protection activities such as implementing green procurement, route optimization, weight reduction, safer and proper use and disposal of chemicals.
Ethiopian Airlines Group is committed to comply with applicable national and international laws, regulations and will implement programs and procedures to assure compliance.
Ethiopian Airlines Group is committed to communicate its environmental commitment to the public, its employees, customers, stakeholders and all concerned as part of its environmental responsibility.
Ethiopian Airlines Group is committed to reduce environmental risks and demonstrate its emergency preparedness in line with its existing emergency preparedness and response plan for different environmental hazards such as fire, spillages etc.
Ethiopian Airlines Group is committed to manage resources, such as raw material, water, electricity, fuel, land etc. in an environmentally sensitive approach.
Ethiopian Airlines Group commits to continual improvement through measuring its environmental performance at planned intervals, reviews and acts on improvement areas and reports same to all concerned bodies.